Enabling Mark Logo


This website is designed to offer an inclusive browsing experience. Here are several options that let users customise how they view and navigate the website.

Adjusting page contrast

Some users may find website content easier to view with high-contrast settings. To switch between the default view and high-contrast view, click the "Contrast" link on the top right.

On this website, the default view is in full colour. The high-contrast view presents the body text in yellow or light green on a black background.

Navigating with a keyboard

This website can be fully navigated with a keyboard. Press the Tab key to jump between links and menu options.

For quicker navigation to key content, two hidden skip links are provided at the start of each page in the top left corner. The first link is "Skip to navigation". Press Enter to jump to the navigation bar.

The second skip link is "Skip to content". Press Enter to jump to the beginning of the page content.

For better visibility, links and menu options selected will be outlined or highlighted.

To navigate backwards, press Shift + Tab.

Adjusting text size

All modern browsers allow users to change the size at which text is displayed.

To increase text size in most browsers, you can hold down the Control key and press the plus (+) key. To reduce text size, hold down the Control key and press the minus (-) key. To return to the default text size, hold down the Control key and press the zero key (0).

For information on the text resizing options in your own browser, please refer to its user documentation.
