Enabling Mark Logo


Eligibility Criteria

To apply for the Enabling Mark, an organisation must

  • Be a Singapore-registered company or organisation
  • Currently hire persons with disabilities
  • Be a registered employer with SG Enable (Find out more here)
Illustrative image of persons at the workplace

Assessment Categories

In the application for the Enabling Mark, an organisation's practices and outcomes in disability inclusion will be assessed over 6 categories:

  1. Leadership, Culture and Climate
  2. Recruitment Practices
  3. Workplace Accessibility and Accommodations
  4. Employment Practices
  5. Community Engagement and Promotion
  6. Extent of Inclusive Hiring

The overall maturity level of an organisation across the 6 assessment categories would thus determine the Enabling Mark tier that the organisation will receive – Silver, Gold or Platinum, with Platinum being the highest tier.

Application Process

1. Application
  • Eligible organisations are to submit their application via the Enabling Mark portal. The application form includes a self-assessment of an organisation’s practices and outcomes in disability inclusion over 6 categories (see above section).
  • The Enabling Mark application should take up to 2 hours to complete, or about 30 minutes if you have all the information on hand. All fields are mandatory unless otherwise stated.

2. Assessment Session
  • The Enabling Mark self-assessed (Gold/ Platinum) recipients will need to apply for assessment in order to receive the Enabling Mark.
  • The assessment session will require organisations to prepare documentary evidences and includes documentary reviews and on-site visits. To find out more about the process of an assessment session, click here.
  • The Enabling Mark (Gold/Platinum) recipients will receive a report on their disability practices and outcomes, with recommendations to support their disability inclusion journey.
3. Consultancy Services
  • The Enabling Mark self-assessed (Silver) recipients do not need to go through assessment, however, organisations who received the Enabling Mark (Silver) may apply for consultancy services to gain a better understanding of the Enabling Mark criteria and how to progress in their disability-inclusive journey. To find out more on consultancy services, click here.
4. Verification
  • All applications will be verified by SG Enable. The results and decision made by SG Enable will be final.
5. Certification
  • A certificate of recognition will be issued to the Enabling Mark recipients.
  • The Enabling Mark logo will also be made available for recipients to use for their marketing and promotional purposes.
  • The Enabling Mark recipients may be invited to a platform or event to recognise their achievements.

Application Period

Date of Application Closing Date
1 Jan 2024 to 31 Mar 2024 31 Mar 2024
1 Apr 2024 to 30 Jun 2024 30 Jun 2024
1 Jul 2024 to 30 Sep 2024 30 Sep 2024
1 Oct 2024 to 31 Dec 2024 31 Dec 2024

Applications for the Enabling Mark are open throughout the year and may take up to 12 weeks from the closing date to be processed.

Assessment and Consultation Fees

Assessment and consultation fees are currently funded, and will be waived until further notice.

Validity Period of the Enabling Mark

Upon accreditation, the Enabling Mark will be valid for the following duration:

  • Enabling Mark (Silver) - Validity of 2 years
  • Enabling Mark (Gold) - Validity of 3 years
  • Enabling Mark (Platinum) - Validity of 3 years

Organisations may apply for the Enabling Mark when the validity period of its Enabling Mark expires.

Enabling Mark

Changemaker Awards

The Enabling Mark — Changemaker Awards include the Enabling Champion, Enabling Buddy and Exemplary Employee award categories.

To apply for the Enabling Mark — Changemaker Awards, an organisation must

  • Have a valid Enabling Mark; or have applied for the Enabling Mark, of which the application is pending confirmation
  • Be a Singapore-registered company or organisation
  • Currently hire persons with disabilities
  • Be a registered employer with SG Enable (Find out more here)

Applications for the Enabling Mark Awards 2024 are now closed. Thank you for your interest and submissions.

Register Here to Apply for the Enabling Mark

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* I acknowledge that the Enabling Mark application submitted will be taken as the organisation’s official submission. Prior endorsement has been sought by the organisation head (e.g. CEO/Managing Director/General Manager or Partner).

* I acknowledge that I have read and understood the Privacy Policy, and consent to the collection, use and disclosure of personal data by SG Enable for the purposes set out in the Privacy Policy.

Please acknowledge and agree with both statements to proceed.
